The story centers around Vivian, and her being the only kid witch in a city full of fairies. The audience follows Vivian attempting to blend in “Fairy School”. Vivian’s mother is very adiment that she also learns witch magic and follows their traditions. Vivian struggles in balancing the opposing expectations; and learning the two opposing magics. Exhausted with trying to fit in, she attempts to cast a spell making her a fairy, which goes wrong and makes her the only witch in the realm. Vivian seeks help from her bestfriend, and together the audience watches them collect ingridients to make a potion to reverse the spell. On the journey, Vivian visits her mother’s hometown, and begins to uncover the value of her diasporic identity. It’s revealed Vivian can do magic different than both her best-friend and other witches. With this new magic, she reverses the spell and learns to appreciate her Witch magic alongside her Fairy teachings.
Vivian SpelCast is tired of being the only tween witch in a city of fairies, desperate she casts a spell that goes wrong; Vivian and her bestfriend go on a journey to undue her curse on her mother.
Vivian Spelcast is the only non-winged 13 year old in a city full of pink creatures. She’s not your average witch. She may look different than her fairy peers but she excels at their magic. She stays up late almost every night to please her mom and learn witch magic too! Vivian struggles to balance fitting in as a teen, even harder as a green one, and her witch traditions at home. She relieves the stress by hanging out with her best friend Flitter, and baking a variety of sweets, especially muffins. Her daydreams when waiting during flying class are flooded with crushing on a certain blonde pixie.
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